Mackenzie Manne

Senior Associate


Mackenzie Manne supports partners with strategy development, data visualization, training, and project management. She has programmatic expertise in polio, health campaigns, and infectious diseases, and—with over a decade of experience in global and community health—she’s a seasoned leader of stakeholder engagement in complex environments. Her portfolio has included supporting the development of a five-year strategy for a major global health initiative comprised of several NGOs and IGOs; designing training resources and protocols for disease surveillance officers across WHO’s African Region; and managing data ETL pipelines and data visualization for a prominent disease surveillance dashboard.

Mackenzie holds Bachelor of Art degrees in integrative physiology and in psychology from the University of Colorado Boulder and an MPH from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, where she also earned a certificate in epidemiology. She was a Peace Corps volunteer in Tanzania, where she focused on HIV and child/maternal health, and she’s also worked in patient care in the United States, including a position at Planned Parenthood.