Lauren Reising

Senior consultant


Lauren Reising supports partners in stakeholder engagement, immunization program optimization, data visualization, and project management. With over eight years of experience in global health and international development, she’s led projects in the areas of public health workforce development, infectious disease diagnosis and control, and maternal and adolescent reproductive health. Her current portfolio includes technical assistance to countries seeking to improve vaccine uptake and data visualization development for a significant multilateral global health initiative.

Earlier in her career, she managed operations for the USAID-funded Infectious Disease Detection and Surveillance program in Ethiopia, Guinea, Malawi, and Mozambique. Prior to that, she contributed to national health workforce strategies in Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Zambia in a role with CHAI.

Lauren holds a Master of Science in Public Health for Development with a focus on epidemiology and biostatistics from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and a bachelor’s in international studies from the University of Denver. She’s contributed as an author to the Journal of Feminist Media Studies, and spent three years living in Kampala, Uganda working at a business accelerator for East African start-ups.