Jaqui Goldsberry

Senior consultant


Jaqui Goldsberry helps partners address health disparities through market analysis and health campaign optimization. Her portfolio includes data analytics and data visualization for the Health Campaigns Intelligence Hub (in partnership with the Task Force for Global Health), data management for routine immunization and OCV/TCV markets for the Global Vaccine Market Model (GVMM), data visualization support for Gavi’s vaccine market dashboard, and development and maintenance of a measles campaign tracker to identify countries facing challenges or gaps in the Gavi application cycle.

Earlier in her career, she worked at U.S. CDC on a foodborne disease surveillance team, conducted research at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions, performed and analyzed field research on tuberculosis and HIV in South Africa, and held a research fellowship with WHO’s Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB) department.

Jaqui earned an MSPH in global disease epidemiology from Johns Hopkins University and a B.S. in global health and biomedical engineering from Northwestern University.